100 Mile Foodie is a local company run by Marlene Hoff. She provides workers to work with people with disabilities to help teach them about cooking, nutrition and independent living skills.
We first heard about this company from a friend and as soon as I heard about it, my mind started working in overdrive.
Darcy has always done cooking skills at school but has never had an interest in it at home. I think he just didn’t associate it with something we do at home. He is also a very fussy sensory eater.
So, when I heard about 100 Mile Foodie, I could see an opportunity to not only teach him cooking skills, but to also help him associate different foods with home and to hopefully teach him different foods are ok to eat, or at least try.
We started with the company in February and Darcy’s teacher is Jane. She is amazing and has worked very hard coming up with good ways to make the cooking fun and easy for Darcy.
We have had to think outside the box a few times and with Jane’s help we have come up with some wonderful tools to help him.
He not only cooks a meal for the family once a week, he also eats it himself.

He is mastering egg cracking, rolling, measuring, pouring and learning about new food when they go shopping for the list of items needed.
They have also made play dough so when they are waiting on things to cook in the oven, he can further practice the skills of rolling and cutting, etc.
This is one of many skills we are teaching him for independence in the future. There are so many different areas that just cooking helps him with. It’s lovely watching him grow in this area.
He is so proud of himself each week when he completes his cooking.
100 Mile Foodie website is: –