From The Hearth of Mums
Stories of love and inclusion in the world of Down syndrome
When you enter the world of disability with your child or anyone you care for, it can be a scary time of the unknown.
Your idea of what life was going to be like suddenly changes in an instant.
From the moment of discovery, even the language in which many doctors, nurses and practitioners use to tell you the news of being diagnosed with Down syndrome can be very cold and negative, which leaves you feeling lost, lonely and empty.
During this time of uncertainty, connecting with other families and sharing each other's journeys provides you with the love and support you need to get through these difficult and unexpected times.
In this heart warming book, Julie Fisher shares 13 deeply personal stories from mums around the world of their lives with loved ones who live with Down syndrome.
You will discover how these mums navigated the path from diagnosis to present day, and how with love and guidance, this new world of disability has led them into a world of support from people they never imagined possible.
These inspiring stories from the hearts of mums show the true beauty of disability, and how embracing it helps us all to shine.
Different not Less
Down Right Beautiful
Give People A Chance And Watch Them Shine
Inclusion isn't something that anyone should have to fight for – but for many, this is an everyday battle that feels like it will never end.
It's time to make a stand!
Have you ever thought what it would be like if your child, or someone you care for, was made to feel like they shouldn't be somewhere or shouldn't do something that others take for granted? If you took your child to a play centre, park or the movies and they were excluded by others, just because they looked or behaved differently?
Unfortunately, this happens every day, to so many children and their families. It happens far too often to children with a disability, but it also happens to many children without disabilities too.
Why does this happen? Why do people think it is okay to do this?
As a mum of a young boy with Down Syndrome, Julie Fisher knows firsthand the heartbreak of seeing your child be made to feel like they don't belong. She has also experienced the flipside, where acceptance and inclusion made magic happen, and has made it her passion to educate others on the profound impact even the smallest acts of inclusion can have on the lives of others.
In this inspiring book, Julie shares real-life stories that demonstrate why we must promote inclusion not just in groups, clubs, and organisations, but also in our everyday interactions with others. The Magic of Inclusion shows us how the simple act of including others can be life-changing.
There are times in your life that don’t go exactly according to plan and this was one of them.
This is my story, and the experiences of my family and the birth of our son Darcy.
The world of disability can be heartbreaking, but it’s full of amazing people who teach us lessons every day.
I am not trying to say things are easy or hard, everyone’s stories are different.
Rather than looking at all the negatives, we made a conscious decision to focus on the beauty of every experience. Darcy is a son, and a brother and we want the best for him, so we try our hardest to make sure everything is set up for him to shine to his fullest potential.
This tiny little baby introduced us into a world we never expected or knew existed. It’s a wonderful world of very caring people, who have no judgement towards others. The world of disability can be heartbreaking, but it’s full of amazing people who teach us lessons every day.
I hope some of our experiences help people to embrace the beauty of disability and difference in people.
I hope it helps to show people that they should look at everyone individually and not what they can or cannot do. There are challenges in life every day with people, not just people with disabilities. Some hard and some not so hard.
It is important to be kind. Darcy may have a disability, but it doesn’t define him. He has the same feelings, wants and needs as everyone else.
Every child is different, every person is different. Never give up! Each and every child is a blessing and we should do whatever we can for them.
They deserve it.