Variety – the Children’s Charity supports kids and families who are facing many challenges through sickness, disadvantage or living with special needs. They help to allow kids gain mobility, to get out and about in the community, to communicate, achieve independence and increase their self-esteem. They make sure the kids who miss out, can always join in.
Our family have been lucky enough to become part of this amazing community. They allow parents to apply for grants for various things to help kids with independence and access to things they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.
Our first grant with Variety was for Darcy to continue to attend mainstream school one day a week. The money they granted us ensured Darcy was able to participate in all school activities in his last year of primary school including camp and all the graduation activities the other kids were going to be taking part in.
He attended mainstream school from Grade Prep until Grade 6. The grant from Variety was so important for us as it ensured Darcy could complete primary school without anything getting in the way.
Our second grant was for a modified bike so that Darcy could learn and enjoy riding a bike that looked like everyone else’s. The bike he previously had was a large 3-wheeler bike and because he was attending mainstream school, we thought it was important for him to ride a bike that looked like his friends’ bikes.
The bike is a normal 2-wheeler bike with modified training wheels and modifications to the handlebars, brake and pedals. Darcy’s OT also recommended this bike as the modifications would allow Darcy to learn how to ride and eventually lose the training wheels.
The bike came from Solve Disability Solutions and was modified exactly to what Darcy needed. After an initial fitting, once the grant was released it was ready to pick up. Darcy feels very safe and comfortable on the bike and we can see that it won’t be too long before he is riding without the training wheels.

Through Variety we were also given an opportunity to be part of the AFLX preseason competition this year. Patrick Dangerfield chose Variety as his charity of choice and Darcy was lucky enough to be picked to represent them.
We went to Marvel stadium where Darcy and 4 other children from various charities had to choose a ball with a number on it. This number was the order in which the captains chose their teams.
This selection process was aired on television which not only was exciting for us all to see Darcy, but also showed people the charities that were involved.
The kids all got to keep the balls and had their captains sign them. We met all of the players and also had a chance to go to the AFLX games on the night they played.
Variety also host a wonderful Christmas Party every year at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Everything provided for the kids is donated and everyone working are volunteers. It’s an amazing day allowing the kids to try rides and participate in lots of different activities as well as meeting lots of wonderful characters including Santa (the favourite with Darcy).
It is amazing being part of the Variety family. Not only do they provide grants, they also are very supportive and helpful.
Links for Variety – The Children’s Charity and Solve Disability Solutions are: –